Use of Green Grass as feed alternative in Poultry Chicken Farming ll Why grass is good for chickens | Grass for Chickens ll Why grass is good for chickens |

You can use green grass for Chicks, chickens and other Poultry as a feed alternative  after 18-20 day. Green grass (Trifolium alexandrinum) can be given to broiler chicken directly or mixing in their feed. It gives poultry necessary vitamins, minerals and protien. After 18-20 days broiler birds needs almost 19 percentage of protein. There will not 
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Sunny Poultry

                                           be any physical issue related to their health if we give them green grass. You cannot give them all kind of grasses. Some specific kind of grass can be utilize in poultry/chicken farming. Some type of hermals may be harmful for birds, if you donot have necessary knowledge about the kind of grass, then you donot need to give them that kind of grass. Here we are using grass that is used for dairy farming for buffalows and cows. If you give them ( broiler ) good quality green grass yours birds will grow smoothly. By it the digestion system of Broilers will be more better. Chickens dropping can be improve if your are facing diarrhea problem.


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