Arrangement of drinkers and feeder for broiler chicken farming

Arrangement of drinkers and feeder for broiler chicken farming

Drinkers & feeders count and placement plays very important role in chicken farming and other poultry. If you donot give poultry necessary feeder and drinkers then they can remain thirsty and hungry. And that's way yours birds growth can be stunned. For 50 chicken at least  you need to install 1 feeder and 1 drinker in chicken  coop. If you are  running  1000 chicken poultry  farm you should need 20 drinkers and 20 feeders. So arrange them in rows. 1st row you should install 7 drinker and in 2nd row you can install 7 feeder and in 3rd row 6 drinkers, 4th row 6 feeder, 5th row 7 drinkers and in last 6th row you can install 7 feeders. By
this arrangement of feeders and drinkers  yours poultry  chicken will take necessary feed and water, and it will help yours chicken for their better growth. There are two type of chicken drinkers.

1. Mannul
2. Automatical

1. Mannual Chicken Drinkers :

 In these type of  chicken coop drinkers you have to put water in it, and close them by their cover and then put it in chicken house by hand.
These poultry  drinkers are of two types. First for baby chicks, their capacity is 3 litter. And other for growers, and their capacity is 8L. You should to use small drinkers for five days and then after it you can give them larger drinkers in the broiler farming. 

Automatic (Bell Type) Poultry Drinkers: 

 As name suggests in these Poultry drinkers you should get water in chicken's drinkers by
sunny poultry drinker and feeder, poultry feeding arrangement
Sunny Poultry

automatically. You do not need to carry water like mannual drinkers. Water through water tanks is given to automatical drinkers and then these drinkers emitt water according the birds consumption of water. There are one more type of automatic water drinkers in which water emit in drops and these are known as drop type poultry  chicken drinkers.

Broiler Chicken Feeder. 

  For baby chicks Coop you need to install small feeder or trays type feeders in which they can eat feed easily. After 1st week you can give broilers chicken full sized  feeders. It is recommended to use large feeder for growing chicken  because their feed consuption becomes much & more and in small
sunny poultry drinker and feeder, poultry feeding arrangement
feeder poultry  cannot eat easily feed because they can not dip their beak in feed.


  1. Nice Blog Thank you for sharing information about poultry products. To Buy Chick Drinkers in India visit Vijay Raj Poultry Equipments Pvt Ltd.

  2. Nice Blog Thank you for sharing information about poultry products. To Buy Chick Plate Feeders in India visit Vijay Raj Poultry Equipments Pvt Ltd.

  3. Nice Blog Thank you for sharing information about Poultry Products. To Buy Automatic Bell Drinker for poultry in India Visit Vijay Raj Poultry Equipments Pvt Ltd.

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  7. Thanks for the information, I have just started keeping broilers and today the chicks are 14 days old. When can i start giving them booster?

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