Site selecion for Poultry chicken farming ll Site Selection And Poultry House Construction

 Site selection for Broiler Poultry House/Chickens Coop 

Factor to be consider at  time of selection of Chicken (Poultry) house location. 

It is important to select a suitable  location for poultry/chicken shed/house. So donot be agger at the time of  the selection of chicken house. Because you are going  to spend a huge amount on the construction of a poultry shed. After spending a lot of amount on the chickens building, further if you have to face the problem to run yours chicken house successfully, So overcome it you should have to keep follwing point in your mind.

Distance from residential area 
Every country has their own rule and regulation. Before construction of poultry/chicken house check                                         

Royalty-Free photo: Aerial photography of forest near river during ...
out the minimum distance from construction point to the residential area as per the rules of yours
country. It should be minimum 500 Meter away from residential areas.

Distance from other farmer

As said above every country has their own rules and regulation. There should be a particular gap
between two chicknn houses. So it should be minimum 500 Meter. But you should have to check the

policies of your country                 Chick sexing - Wikipedia

Distance from Water Source

As said by the above analyize the water source distance from the chicken/poop house should  be minimum  200M.
                                                 Image result for water sources

Away from Poultry Enemies

Poultry house should be condtruct away from the area of tigers, dogs, fox & predator etc. Because threse all can spoil yours business future. So be aware.

 Transportation & Road Availability

The site must be easily accessible from main roads. Transportation must be easy.  And the distance from a main road should be 500M atleast.


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