Wel Come, Sunny Poultry deals with Broiler Chicken's daily management i.e how to use medicines, tonics and vaccine to prevent poultry from deadly diseases.
Arrangement of drinkers and feeder for broiler chicken farming Drinkers & feeders count and placement plays very important role in chicken farming and other poultry. If you donot give poultry necessary feeder and drinkers then they can remain thirsty and hungry. And that's way yours birds growth can be stunned. For 50 chicken at least you need to install 1 feeder and 1 drinker in chicken coop. If you are running 1000 chicken poultry farm you should need 20 drinkers and 20 feeders. So arrange them in rows. 1st row you should install 7 drinker and in 2nd row you can install 7 feeder and in 3rd row 6 drinkers, 4th row 6 feeder, 5th row 7 drinkers and in last 6th row you can install 7 feeders. By this arrangement of feeders and drinkers yours poultry chicken will take necessary feed and water, and it will help yours chicken for their better growth. There are two type of chicken drinkers. 1. Mannul 2. Automatical 1. Mannual Chicken Dri...
Use of Lime (Calcium Hydroxide) in Poultry (Chicken ) Drinking Water Poultry Water Management Lime plays a very important role Chicken farming. Here we just talking about Lime use in poultry drinking water. There are a lot of benefits of it which are given below. Sunny Poultry 1. Lime is a very good source of calcium. If we use lime in chicken water then we will never face the problem of limping in birds. 2. By using lime in chicken's water you can eliminate the bad bacterial in the water. Unhealthy water can be cause of E-coli . 3. Lime keeps the Ph level of drinking water of chicks in control. Sunny Poultry 4. By regular use of lime in poultry drinking water you can eliminate the blockage ...
Chickens Coop/Broiler Poultry Medicine Schedule Medicines plays very important role in broiler chicken farming. We should have to give medicines and tonics to chicken time to time for preventing them from diseases and Poultry supplement/tonics for weight gain. Chickens supplements can help yours broiler chicken for better growth. You can follow belowed schedule of medicine if yours chicken is healthy from first day. If there is any disease in yours chicken then you should contact to veterinary and donot need to follow the schedule. 1st day of broilers baby chicks give raw sugar (Jaggery) or electrolyte in chicks water. 2nd again day raw sugar (Jaggery) or electrolyte in water. 3rd day (Antibiotic with multivitamins ). 4th day Nothing (simple water). 5th day Lasota (ND) vaccine. 6th day nothing (simple water). 7th day G out prevention (Kidney Supplement / Tonic ) 8th day Gout prevention (Kidney Suppleme...
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