Lameness or Limping in Broiler Chicken by Sunny Poultry

  I (Sunny) personally faced the  problem of   limping or leg  weakness  in a few batches of my broiler  chicken. Lameness  is widely found in the 2nd week of baby chicks and in some cases last week of the broilers, 

Lameness limping in broiler poultry

Birds walk a little bit and sit immediately, it looks like there is the problem in their legs due to they are unable to  balance their body weight. If there is everything ok in your chicken  batch i.e poultry bird are  don't have any type of diarrhoea, bacteria infection that is CRD and E coli, then the only cause of limping or lameness  in chicken and other Poultry may  due to the   defficiency of the calcium. To overcome the problem of weakness of legs or  limping in broiler poultry, I offten use calcium with vitamin D3. 

You can see theVideo   of my chicken house while using Calcium with Vitamin D3.


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