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ਸਨੀ ਪੋਲਟਰੀ (ਮੁਰਗੀ ਪਾਲਣ) ਹੁਸ਼ਿਆਰਪੁਰ, ਪੰਜਾਬ 
Sunny Poultry, Hoshiarpur, Punjab, India.
सनी पोल्ट्री पंजाब 


  1. Hello Sir,
    I am Brijesh from Uttar Pradesh I want to start Poultry business but I am new in this area kindly guide the same

    1. First all wist the poultry farm regualarly which is around you. Or you can start with contract farming and after one year you can start self farming business.

  2. can you give contact for agreement for Automatic AC broiler farming

    1. For it you have to go for the official website of contract companies like suguna, godrej, venky, skylark and my poultry etc in india.

  3. Please send the chicks hatchery no

  4. Hello sir I am Shubhankar gore From maharashtra I belong to Pune city and I am trying and gathering information about startup in polutry farming With 5000 chicks So I would like To ask you few question
    1.What all licence will I need to startup my business
    2. Which allcompany will provide me chicks on contract basis.
    3.Which company has good payscale
    4.Is polutry farming A profitable business
    5.How much investment I will need to startup with around 5000 chicks
    6.What are the profit loss In this business


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