Tips for reducing litter moisture in broiler housing or how to keep poultry litter dry ?

Tips to reduce moisture in poultry houses,  how to maintain bedding of chicks, chickens and  other poultry dry, Litter management in Chickens and other Poultry  etc. how all these Poultry problems to eliminate in chicken house are explained by Sunny Poultry.

Chicken and other Poultry  Bedding/ Litter:-
You should keep chickens coop (poultry) bedding or litter dry because wet litter is responsible for differ differ Chicken
Chicken bedding litter  arrangement by

(poultry) diseases. There are a lot of reason of wety litter in chicken house, which may be due to over crowding, poor ventilation, diarrhea etc. For keeping litter or chicken bedding dry you can use following methods:

1. Raking equipment or machine:-

You should use raking system in  poultry chicken shed. According to your's chicken house capacity you can use raking equipment and machines. In this video you
Poultry raking macine.
can see we are using raking equipment.  Raking the litter by this way you can keep dry litter.

2. Use thick layer of litter (Bedding):-

Other method is use a thick layer of rice straw or crushed wood below yours birds. It will help them keeping litter dry.

3. Prevent diarrhoea:-

During diarrhoea birds starts loose drooping which can cause of wetty litter. So prevent yours poultry from diarrhoea.

4. Keep chicken house Proper Ventilated:-

Keep the broiler chicken house fully ventilated. Cause proper
                                   Image result for poultry house ventilation
 ventilate keep the birds healthy and birds litter remain dry.

5. Prevent over crowding:-

You should keep birds in chicken house according to the capacity 
                                  Image result for broilre chicken house
of house. Because over crowding can be responsible for wetty litter In chickens coop and  other poultry.


  1. What could be the capacity of 100 chicks in Meter square?

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