
Showing posts from 2020

Poultry Feed in Hoshiarpur, Punjab

  Sunny Poultry Feed  Sunny Poultry  provides poultry feed in Hoshiarpur, Punjab. Sunny Poultry deals with the distribution of broiler starter and finisher poultry feed  in India. The quality of the poultry feed provided by the sunny poultry is superb. For the best FCR result you can go through our feed, we are also using this feed for the better growth of our chicks.

Sunny Poultry Feed, Hoshiarpur Punjab सनी पोल्ट्री, ਸਨੀ ਪੋਲਟਰੀ

Sunny Poultry (सनी पोल्ट्री, ਸਨੀ ਪੋਲਟਰੀ)  is situated at Hoshiarpur, Punjab. Sunny Poultry basically provide the broiler poultry feed and Poultry training in  Hoshiarpur, Punjab. Sunny poultry also share the information about the broiler chickens's daily management i.e how we give them daily medicines, in which quantity, for how many days, and also  other poultry house necessary managements.

Lameness or Limping in Broiler Chicken by Sunny Poultry

  I (Sunny) personally faced the  problem of   limping or leg  weakness  in a few batches of my broiler  chicken. Lameness  is widely found in the 2nd week of baby chicks and in some cases last week of the broilers,  Birds walk a little bit and sit immediately, it looks like there is the problem in their legs due to they are unable to  balance their body weight. If there is everything ok in your chicken  batch i.e poultry bird are  don't have any type of diarrhoea, bacteria infection that is CRD and E coli, then the only cause of limping or lameness  in chicken and other Poultry may  due to the   defficiency of the calcium. To overcome the problem of weakness of legs or  limping in broiler poultry, I offten use calcium with vitamin D3.  You can see the Video   of my chicken house while using Calcium with Vitamin D3.

Tylosin Antibiotic uses in Broiler Chicken by Sunny Poultry

 Antibiotic for Poultry  Antibiotics are given to the broilers and other poultry for the prevention and treatment of bacterial infections. Sunny poultry also use tylosin for said purpose. Whenever you use any kind of antibiotic in chicken coop, make it essential to use it with antibiotic. And use the dose of antibiotics in birds according their age or weight. Tylosin Used by Sunny Poultry 

Latest Broiler Poultry Feed Rates updated by Sunny Poultry

पोल्ट्री फीड / ਪੋਲਟਰੀ ਫ਼ੀਡ  In Broiler Chicken farming feed plays a  very important role. Sunny poultry always remains  share the rate list of broiler Chicks  feed that we purchase for ours broiler birds. There are basically three types of feed that are used in the broiler poultry i.e Pre-Starter, starter and finisher.  For more information you can go through our official you tube channel  Sunny Poultry

Copper Sulphate uses in Broiler by Sunny Poultry

ਨੀਲਾ ਥੋਥਾ ਕੋਪਰ ਸਲਫੇਟ ll नीला थोथा  कॉपर सलफेट  Copper sulphate is very good for the better growth of broiler chicken (meat birds). Blue copper can be given to the poultry by their feed if  it is in powdered form, and can be added in drinking water if  it  is in liquid  form. Copper sulphate in poultry is used specially if your's chicks feed quality is poor and contains fungus in it.  But sunny poultry use copper sulphate regularly for our broiler batch because it  keeps chicks immune system strong and prevent worms. Copper sulphate can be mixed 50-70G in 100 Kg. chicken feed. If copper sulphate is in liquid form can  be  use in 5-10ml in their drinking water according their age.

Best Antibiotics for Broiler Chicken by Sunny Poultry

 Antibiotics are widely used for the prevention and treatment of bacterial infections in the poultry. There are a lot of chicken medicine which are used to prevent the birds from CRD i.e chronic respiratory disease which is normally faced by Indian poultry farmers. Sometimes CRD in poultry becomes very critical and be responsible for E-coli and CCRD in the chicken house. So here sunny poultry is discussing with you some of antibiotics which we use in our poultry house. 1. Tylosin Tertrate :- Its used to prevent the  bacterial infection in the broilers. Tylosin tertrate for poultry is widely sell by a lot of companies like  Virbac (Trox), Venky's (Tylosin with 10% water solution). Tylosin is used in the chicken (meat birds) according their body weight. 2. Enrofloxacin :- Enrofloxacin with 10% and 20% is a antibiotic used  in  the poultry houses by  the  farmers for prevention and treatment of CRD and E coli . It comes in the liquid form, and can  b...

Best Liver tonics for Broiler chicken (poultry) for better growth

 Broiler Chicken Best Liver Tonic  There are a lot of poultry liver tonic supplements available in the market. But sunny poultry mostly use following liver tonic for the better growth of chicks and grower broiler chicken. The output of these liver tonics is very good. If you find these liver tonic near about you, then you can  choose one out of  for better growth of yours poultry. Liver poultry supplement  keep the overall health of the birds good. So  you can start to give  liver for  yours  broiler chicken after 2nd week. At the time of  starting you can give 7ml-10ml dose for 100 chicks. After 20 day we use (sunny poultry)  15ml Liver tonic for our broiler (meat birds). The Liver supplements are necessary for the better growth of  poultry bird. Liver Tonic for Broiler Chicken  1. Brotone :- it's a best liver tonic product by  the Virbac company. We use it often in ours broiler chicken batches. So you  can...
     6th day in Broiler Chicken  (Meat Poultry) House  YouTube  Link  Day no. 6 in Broiler Chicken Meat Training Instagram Facebook
    5th day in Broiler Chicken  (Meat Poultry) House  During 5th day for Broiler Poultry farming, I  offten add a antibiotic (specially Tylosin & Doxycycline)  in their drinking water with some multivitamins. And i give them a temperature around 28 degree Celsius, and also need to provide them continuely  pre starter feed in tray type feeder. Keep checking the the level of Ammonia in their brooding house.  The main reason behind the use of Antibiotic is to keep their bacterial resistance strong for future.  YouTube  Link  5th day of Broiler Chicken (Meat Birds) Instagram Facebook
   4th day in Broiler Chicken (Poultry) House  During 4th day for Broiler Poultry farming, I  offten add a antibiotic (specially Tylosin & Doxycycline)  in their drinking water with some multivitamins. And i give them a temperature around 28 degree Celsius, and also need to provide them continuely  pre  starter feed in tray type feeder. Keep checking the the level of Ammonia in their brooding house.  The main reason behind the use of Antibiotic is to keep their bacterial resistance strong for future.  YouTube  Link  4th day of Broiler Chicks online Training Instagram Facebook

3rd day in Broiler Poultry Training ll Online Broiler Chicken Farming day no. 3

  3rd day in Broiler Chicken (Poultry) House  During 3rd day for broiler poultry farming, I  offten add a antibiotic (specially Tylosin)  in their drinking water with some multivitamins. And i give them temperature around 29 degree Celsius, and also need to provide them continuely  pre  starter feed in tray type feeder. Keep checking the the level of Ammonia in their brooding house.  The main reason behind the use of Antibiotic is to keep their bacterial resistance strong for future. On the arrival of third day of broiler baby chicks, I always collect the newspaper which is used for their paper feeding on this day. YouTube  Link  3rd of Broiler Chicken Training ll Broiler Poultry Training Video day No. 3 Instagram Facebook

2nd day in broiler chicken farming ll Broiler Poultry training day no. two

During 2nd day for broiler poultry farming, you should have to need to add some multivitamins or electrolyte solution in their drinking water. And Give them temperature around 30 degree Celsius, and need to provide them continuely  pre  starter feed on newspaper. Keep checking the the level of Ammonia in their brooding house.   2nd day of Broiler Chicken Training YouTube  Link  Instagram Facebook

What is flystrike or vent maggot in chickens (broiler & layers)?

Flystrike ll Vent Maggot ll  myiasis ll Maggots in chicken's backside by Sunny Poultry    Flystrike is also known as maggot in alive chicks, chicken and other poultry wound. So flies should be control in the chicken coop. Due the problem of digestion in backyard chicken , broiler and other poultry breed their poop discharge does remain normal. Because of broiler chicken abnormal poop (drooping) I noticed little wet and  dry blackish color dropping starts collecting below the discharge area as a result of it flies starts to sit on these area and lay eggs on it. As a result of it yours chicken's will get a wound with white maggots. Maggots are mostly found in their vent, in some cases they are also shown under poultry feather. If you unable to see  poultry birds whose suffering with flystrike (maggot) in yours chicken flock then  maggots will not be hesitate to eat them alive. So that time situation will become very critical and you will helpless. And ...

Is there any special way to introduce new chicken to existing flock ?

Is there any special way to introduce new chicken to existing flock ? Yes, you can introduce new chicken to existing old chicken, you should need to put them where they can see each other but can't interact. Let them get use to to each other for a few days. Introduce the new chicken to  the existing flock at night. Even after that there will still be fighting and pecking order activity. No way to avoid that. Or      You can corner of a section with chicken wire and put the new birds in there. They can see each other. After a few days they will mix with each other. And one of  my friend put the new ones in exising flocks at night when everyone sleep and they wake up at morning and never noticed there's new chicken.

What Do Chickens Eat ?

The Chicken and other poultry love to eat blueberries, grapes, mealworms, applesauce, yogurt, watermelon. The chickens enjoy all kind of insects including roaches and scorpions. They also love to eat green leafy lettuce, zucchini, apple, cooked pumpkin, cottage cheese, spaghetti, cooked squash, tomatoes, Kale, Carrots, Cucumbers, Clelery and other fruits and vegetables. If you are raising chickens in a free range environment it is really important to make sure your chickens have a balanced diet that contains all of the essential nutrients and vitamins. These fruits and vegetables will help to keep chickens and other poultry to stay healthy, continuing to lay eggs and meat.

Can chickens eat watermelon? II Use of watermelon in Broiler Poultry

Can chickens eat watermelon?   Chicks, chicken & other poultry can consume watermelon including its the flesh, rinds, seeds and leaves. Watermelon made up of over 90% water, so  it is a great source of hydration for your poultry birds (layer & broilers). In summers the chicks, chicken & other poultry need more water intake to prevent heat stroke due to their aggressive body temperature. So if you will  use regularly watermelon for yours chicken in summers, it  will  help  the chicks  to maintain their body temperature cool down. Watermelon does not prevent from dehydration, its also a great source of  vitamins including  Sunny Poultry                                                 Vitamin A and Vitamin C.  Watermelon  also contains potassium and fiber. So watermelon is a great source of w...

Chances of Risk or loss in broiler chicken farming

If you are doing any kind of business, there will be definitely  chances of loss and risk  in each and every business. So broiler poultry (meat  chicken) is also that kind of start up/business where are also chances of loss. There are maximum  7 batches  in chicken (meat) farming which can be annually raised. But some of these batches can give you a good profit where some  can create the situation of facing loss. The following are the factors which are responsible for economical crisis   in chicken coop and other Poultry.  1. Fluctuation in Chicken whole Sale Rate Alive broiler chicken rate does not remain permanently fix. Sometimes it raised down to their lowest                                                         price. And as a result of it farmers has to face a lot of loss. 2. Viral ou...

Vent Gleet, infected cloaca, dirty pasty butt in chicks, chickens & other poultry

What is Vent Gleet? Vent Gleet also known as infected cloaca, dirty pasty butt in chicks, chicken & other poultry is inflammation of the their cloaca. Vent gleet is not an illness but it badly effects on the chicken's digestive system. In Poultry Vent Gleet you will notice there will be the collection of white droppings on the chicken's dropping point. What are the causes of Vent Gleet? 1. PH imbalance  If your chicken's body is too acidic or alkaline, it can make them more susceptible to vent gleet in  yours poultry. 2. Fungal infection. 3. Bacterial infections. Symptoms of Vent Gleet, Cloaca, pasty butt 1. Pasted feathers around the vent 2. Diarrhea with whitish & smelling discharge from vent. 3. Weight loss. Treatment Vent Gleet, Cloaca, pasty butt 1. Use fresh drinking water daily Provide yours broiler poultry fresh drinking water which will help them to strong their immune system. 2. Use Probiotics. You should use the probiotics for yours ...

How to Keep Snakes out of Your Chicken Coop ll Easy ways to keep snakes out of the poultry house

Snakes are deadly predators of chicks, chickens and other poultry. They can kill and eat live chickens and theirs eggs. So snake as a predator of poultry can create economical loss because you can lose yours chicken and their eggs. So you should have to do following arrangement in your chicken house to keep snakes out of yours chicken coop. Sunny Poultry                                                 Donot Spread Feed wastage around Chicken Coop If you really want to prohibted the attack of snakes on poultry birds, then you should donot spread out their feed, because snakes love their feed. Regularly Collection of Eggs Snakes also very attractive towards the eggs of birds, because they can easily find them near chicken coop. So prevent chicks and their eggs from snakes for snakes, you should remain always collect the eggs of poultry. Get rid of ...