
Showing posts from April, 2020

Straddle leg, Splayed leg in chicks, chickens coop and other Poultry(Layers, broilers, turkey, quail and ducks

Spraddle leg also known as splayed leg, is a condition  in which the legs of chicks, Chickens and other poultry (Layers, broilers, turkey, quail and ducks) are splayed laterally and they are unable to                     bear weight and to walk. Cause of Straddle leg/Splayed leg in chickens coop and other Poultry  1. Bad bedding management  If  the litter of the chicks is  very rigid or                     slipy then it  can  be a cause of spradle legs. 2. Injury.   Treatment Straddle leg / Splayed leg in chickens coop and other Poultry  Give the support to both the legs of  chicks and other poultry and try to bring the legs to their original position by holding the legs by tape or a small  piece of  roop shown in                         ...

Cannibalism in Chickens and other Poultry , Pecking in chickens & Poultry & How to do Debeaking, Beak Trimming in Chicks, Chickens and Poultry

Cannibalism, Pecking, Debeaking,  Beak Trimming in Chickens and other Poultry (Layers, broilers,  turkey, quail and ducks) Cannibalism can effect the Chicks, Chicken and other Poultry (Layers, broilers, turkey, quail and ducks)  in any age. The chickens coop starts to do injure each other by their beak. But mostly chickens cut each other on the  comb, feather (known as feather                       Debeaking  pecking)  and vent pecking. When ever Cannibalism comes in poultry then a lot  of birds have  to  suffer. Prevention & Treatment Cannibalism, Pecking in chicks,  chicken & other Poultry 1. Isolate the injured poultry to prevent because injured poultry can be die due to deep cut of beaks, because chickens cut the injured birds again and  again due to their wound blood discharge. And be cause of death of chickens & other poultry. 2. Pecking in Chi...

Wry neck problem in chicks, chicken & other Poultry ll Wry/twisted/tilted neck & head

Wry Neck also known as Twisted Neck, Tilted Neck, Crook Neck, Limber Neck in chicks,  chicken and other poultry (turkeys,                          geese and ducks). Wry neck is not an illness, in it the baby chicken coop head and neck to looks twisted and tilted. Chicken and other  poultry to lose control of its neck and not be able to hold it up. Baby chicks cannot stand without falling or walk without stumbling. Without diagnose &                   treatment they can die because chicks are                   unable to eat or drink properly, in addition they also may not be able to move well. Causes of Twisted or tilted Neck  1. Vitamins deficiencies 2. Genetics 3. Incubation problems.                       4. Head Injury Prevention of W...

Poultry Shed or Chicken Coop House Design and Construction Plan ll length, direction, size, roof & foundation of broiler chicken house

Poultry Shed or Chicken house design and construction plan, in  this topic we will  cover design of poultry chicken house, direction of poultry chicken house, length width & height of broilers poultry chicken shed or house, foundation  of chicken house etc. Poultry Shed/Chicken House Roof  The  roof  of  the  poultry shed or chicken house  can be made  of  concrete, tiles or wood  grass.  Chicken house roof or top should be design hut shaped. Poultry shed designed with tiles found more suitable because the wooden or muddy roof can be harmful for poultry in rainy session, where  the  concrete roof  of chicken  house create a lot  of  humidity in  summer. But there is need of grass to put on tiles in summers to prevent it aggressive heat due to sun shine. At the  time of  construction of Sunny Poutry                  ...

Best Poultry Management ll how to keep poultry chicken house free from disease

Best Poultry (Chickens) Management  If you keep a good management in your broiler (meat) chicken coop, then you can eliminate the poultry diseases and your chicks, chicken's growth rate will be high and FCR(Feed consumption ratio) will be low. So you can follow the follwing guidelines for the better health of yours chickens.          1. Proper ventilation. 2. Regular cleaning of drinkers, feeders, poultry house & feed  store. 3. Changing the old litter bed before starting a new batch. 4. Donot allow to enter unauthorized person in chicken coop house. 5. Don't allow the wild birds into the poulty house. 6. Providing best quality feed and clean water. 7. Proper vaccination & medicines. 8. Isolating dead and diseased chicken from the chicken house. 9. Consult a vetar when in doubt of an infection spread.

Use of lime in poultry drinking water ll lime role chicken coops drinking water

Use of Lime (Calcium Hydroxide) in Poultry (Chicken ) Drinking Water  Poultry Water Management  Lime plays  a very important  role Chicken farming. Here we just talking about Lime use in poultry drinking water. There are a lot of benefits of it which are given below.                                 Sunny Poultry  1. Lime is a very good source of calcium. If we use lime in chicken water then we will never face the problem of limping in birds. 2. By using lime  in chicken's water you can eliminate the bad bacterial in the water. Unhealthy water can be cause of E-coli . 3. Lime keeps the  Ph level of drinking water of  chicks  in  control.                           Sunny Poultry  4. By regular use of lime in poultry drinking water  you can eliminate the  blockage ...

Aluminum sulfate (alum) uses in broiler poultry (chicken ) farming as water purifier and removal of ammonia in litter

                          Sunny  Poultry  Alum  (Aluminum Sulfate) can be used as natural home remedy  in chicken drinking water and their litter.  Now  the question  raise how to  use Alum in poultry drinking  water  and their litter & for what purpose. Alum which Is also known as Aluminum Sulfate used in chicken                            drinking  water  to remove it's impurities. It's a natural  water sanitizer. You donot  have need  to spoil  money on highly  costly sanitizer  in your broiler  poultry water tanks. If I discuss about  the dose you can give poultry  birds 3 Gram alum in 100 Litre water. Water  with alum  also  will increase  their water  consumption, which  will help them to  keeping...

Antibiotic use in Chicken farming and side effect of consumption of antibiotics effected chicken and eggs

Necessity of Antibiotic  in Poultry farming ll Antibiotics side effects on broilers  Antibiotics are just used in poultry to prevent the chicken from bacterial infections i.e CRD & E Coli. They are                       SunnyPoultry necessary to use in chicken farming because if yours birds involved in any bacterial infection then they have to suffer from health issues and if the breed is broiler chicken then there are chances of their sharply weight loss, if the breed is layer then the effect can be seen on the productivity of their eggs because if they                             Sunny Poultry fall ill, then the farmers has to use costly antibiotic to recover them from illness, chicken farmer will have to spent extra money on their treatment by spoiling hard worked money on their medicines. Sometime if situation not remained in contr...