Cannibalism in Chickens and other Poultry , Pecking in chickens & Poultry & How to do Debeaking, Beak Trimming in Chicks, Chickens and Poultry

Cannibalism, Pecking, Debeaking,  Beak Trimming in Chickens and other Poultry (Layers, broilers,  turkey, quail and ducks)

Cannibalism can effect the Chicks, Chicken and other Poultry (Layers, broilers, turkey,
quail and ducks)  in any age. The chickens coop starts to do injure each other by their beak. But mostly chickens cut each other on the  comb, feather (known as feather
Cannibalism, Pecking &  Debeaking,  Beak Trimming in Chickens and other Poultry (Layers, broilers,  turkey,quail and ducks)
pecking)  and vent pecking. When ever Cannibalism comes in poultry then a lot  of birds have  to  suffer.

Prevention & Treatment Cannibalism, Pecking in chicks,  chicken & other Poultry

1. Isolate the injured poultry to prevent because injured poultry can be die due to deep cut of beaks, because chickens cut the injured birds again and  again due to their wound blood discharge. And be cause of death of chickens & other poultry.

2. Pecking in Chickens Debeaking (Beak Trimming)  of poultry 

Other possible solution of of prevent pecking is trimming or cutting of poultry beak.It is  also known as debeaking.  It  can be done by a red ironed sharp blade. Debeaking should be done very carefully. Trim the 1/3 upper part of the beak of chickens.

Precaution during trimming poultry beak (Debeaking) 
(A) Pecking should be  done  by  Sharp blade.
(B) Don't trim lower part  of  beak.
Cannibalism, Pecking &  Debeaking,  Beak Trimming in Chickens and other Poultry (Layers, broilers,  turkey,quail and ducks)
Beak Trimming 
(C) Use the cutter or trimming machine very smartly.
(D) During pecking escape their tongue to  be damaged.
3. Prevent the over Crowding in chicken house.
4. There should be proper count of their feeder and drinkers.
5. If cannibalism looks to critical then use red light bulbs.


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