
Showing posts from May, 2020

How to start a Broiler Chicken farming business ll Tips for Starting a Poultry Chicken House

Poultry Farming For Beginners | I as a Broiler Chicken farmer, if you are planning to start the broiler poultry business then  i will suggest you to start broiler chicken farming with  Contract farming . After gaining minimum 1 year experience in contract farming, then  you can start self/ independent chicken farming house. By doing contract farming at least Sunny Poultry  one year, you should gain the knowledge how to control chicken house temperature, their feeding, water, medicines, vaccine, other necessary management  for  the birds. I request you to donot start up broiler poultry chicken business without any initial basic training, because you are doing alive business, there can be a more chances of loss if you donot take chicken farming seriously as a fresher.          If you are don't want go with contract farming for the start up of a poultry farm,  then sunny poultry will advice you to start broiler chicken...

Use of Sand for Chickens Coop Bedding ll Use of sand for broiler poultry litter

Use of sand as litter for Broilers Chickens  Sand Bedding or litter can be commonly used in chicks, Broiler chickens and other poultry. Sand bedding has their own benefits except rice hull and wood dust. First of all we will see the qualities of ideal chicken bedding or  broilers litter to understand the use of sand as a poultry litter or chicken bedding. Specifications of an ideal Poultry litter or chicken bedding 1. It should have the quality to absorb the moisture of their dropping /discharge. 2. Ideal litter for poultry should have characteristics of prevent the direct     moisture from the earth surface. So litter works as a insulator between earth and birds. 3. It should be eco-friendly. 4. Litter should be light weighted. 5. Bedding should be non toxic and     compressable. Advantages of using sand as Chicken bedding/Poultry litter. 1. Cost effective :-   Us of  sand as a chickens bedding is very cost effective from the ot...

Broiler Chicken Breeds ll Types of Poultry Breeds ll Chicken Qualities to raise

Broilers Breed/ Broiler Chicken Types by Sunny Poultry Hubbard, Ross and Cobb are commonly used breed in broiler poultry. Hubbard, Ross and Cobb Broiler chickens are young chicken which are mostly used for meat purposes and marketed at an age of 4-5weeks in modern time.These  broiler chicken breeds have their own specifications which are given in table. S r. No. Paricular Hubbard Ross Cobb 1. Breed Feet Colour White Red Pinkish Yellowish 2. FCR High  Average Low 3. Chicks Cost Low Average High 4. Mortailty High Average Low 5. Suitable Weather All All Difficulty in Summer

Poultry Equipments and Accessories ll Chicken's Farming Equipments

Essentials Equipments used in Poultry Farm   1.   Feeder                                                                                                                    2. Drinker (Manual or Automatic)  3. Brooding Rings  4. Brooding yellowish light bulbs  5.  Racking equipment or machine  6. Gas, wood or electric  Brooder  7. Water tank  8. Alternative or other emergency electric souce  9. Flame gun 10. Automatic or manual  Spray pump. 11. Measuring cup for medicines 12.  Weight Gauge 13.  Fans or AC 14. Fencing 15. Curtains for summer i.e Gunny and for winters i.e white polythene ...

List of medicines used in poultry ll list of antibiotics used in chickens and other poultry

List of Medicines used in Chickens by Sunny Poultry  In chicks, chickens and other poultry,  there are a lot of poultry medicines that are used  for the prevention & treatment of deadly diseases like CRD (Chronic respiratory disease ,  E-coli (Escherichia coli) ,    Coccidiosis  etc. Chicken  (poultry) growth promoters/products/medicines that are used personally by sunny poultry for better growth and healthy life cycle of chickens are given below :- 1. Liver Tonic 2. Multivitamin 3.  Vinegar 4. Alum 5. Turmeric 6.  Aloe Vera 7. Antibiotics Poultry Antibiotics are used by sunny poultry only whenever the condition of chickens becomes very critical due to bacterial infection. Antibiotics are given to poultry with keeping in mind withdrawal time i.e 7 days of chicken marketing by sunny poultry. List of Chicken antibiotics used by sunny poultry are given below. 1. Tylosin tartrate 2. Doxycycline 3. Enrofloxacin 4....

How to prepare chicken house before arrival of baby chicks ll how to baby chicken welcomed in chicken house

Preparation of poultry  shed to receive chicks ll Preparation of chicken house before the arrival of baby chicks  To prepare chicken house or poultry farm for receiving of newly  baby chicks the following arrangement should be fulfil. 1. Clean the chicken house with a good quality of disinfectant. 2. At least 1 day before the arrival of chicks spread the litter material i.e husk or saw dust about 3-4 cm thickness. And the surface with litter should be stable. After it spread old news paper on the litter before receiving baby chicks, newspaper spreading on baby chicks litter is done due to following reason.                                                      (a) baby chicks are very soft, their feet can suffer due to direct contact with liiter. (b) bedding with newspapers also provide baby chicks a dry bed. (c) Whenever baby chick...

Fumigation in Chicken Houses / Poultry Farms ll Poultry Disinfection and Fumigation Guide ll Cleaning & Disinfection of Poultry Farm ll Formalin use in Poultry

Chickens  Fumigation Guide by Sunny Poultry  Fumigation (formalin)  is commonly done in chicks, chickens and other poultry (Layers, broilers, turkey, quail and ducks) houses. Fumigation in  chickens (poultry) is a method of destruction of harmful disease  in an environment by using fumigants. Fumigants are chemicals compound that are released in the atmosphere in the form of gas by manual or automatic spray pumps. The purpose for fumigation in chickens coop is to destroy poultry/Chicken disease. Poultry fumigation is used to kill the germs of transmissible diseases such as fowl typhoid, pullorum, chronic respiratory disease (CRD). Before start a new batch you should have to  need the fumigate the poultry/Chicken house. It will give  yours new  batch  a safe life. So  fumigation is very  necessary because a little mistake can create a big issue for yours birds if you don't take it seriously. Without poultry     ...

Heat Stress, Heat Stroke in Chicks, Chickens and other poultry by Sunny Poultry ll Prevention of heat stress in poultry

Heat Stress Management in Poultry  Heat stress and heat stroke are the problems that are commonly faced by chicks, chicken and other poultry (Layers, broilers, turkey, quail and ducks).  Chickens are heat stressed if there is difficulty to maintaining balance between body heat  production and body heat loss (emitting). Chickens Coop can bear the winter little easily due the thick layers of                         their feather/ wings . But in summer it's very difficult to escape from the raising  temperature and humidity because chickens donot have sweat glands, so they try to cool down their body by drinking more water, panting, sitting on cool or muddy area & spreading the wings. Chicken and other Poultry unable to dissipate sufficient body heat to the environment due to unsuitable conditions. And as a result of it bird loose their control on his body or can Fall         ...