Poultry Equipments and Accessories ll Chicken's Farming Equipments

Essentials Equipments used in Poultry Farm

  1.  Feeder
                                                           poutry accessories

                                                      chicken feeder

feeding system in poultry

 2. Drinker (Manual or Automatic)
sunny poutry

 3. Brooding Rings

 4. Brooding yellowish light bulbs

 5. Racking equipment or machine

 6. Gas, wood or electric Brooder
sunny poultry images

 7. Water tank
 8. Alternative or other emergency electric souce
 9. Flame gun
10. Automatic or manual Spray pump.
11. Measuring cup for medicines
12. Weight Gauge
13. Fans or AC
14. Fencing
15. Curtains for summer i.e Gunny and for winters i.e white polythene type


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