Fumigation in Chicken Houses / Poultry Farms ll Poultry Disinfection and Fumigation Guide ll Cleaning & Disinfection of Poultry Farm ll Formalin use in Poultry

Chickens  Fumigation Guide by Sunny Poultry 

Fumigation (formalin)  is commonly done in chicks, chickens and other poultry (Layers, broilers, turkey, quail and ducks) houses. Fumigation in  chickens (poultry) is a method of destruction of harmful disease  in an environment by using fumigants. Fumigants are chemicals compound that are released in the atmosphere in the form of gas by manual or automatic spray pumps. The purpose for fumigation in chickens coop is to destroy poultry/Chicken disease. Poultry fumigation is used to kill the germs of transmissible diseases such as
 Fumigation in chicken by sunny poultry
fowl typhoid, pullorum, chronic respiratory disease (CRD). Before start a new batch you should have to  need the fumigate the poultry/Chicken house. It will give  yours new  batch  a safe life. So  fumigation is very  necessary because a little mistake can create a big issue for yours birds if you don't take it seriously. Without poultry
fumigation and disinfectant poultry house chicken house
houses  fumigation yours birds has to suffer a lot. Fumigation also be done in hatcheries  after each and every batch.

See Video
Poultry Fumigation by Sunny Poultry

 The fumigation gas is toxic therefore, you should handle it carefully. You must not allow these gases to touch your skin to
How to clean poultry house, disinfectant for poultry
Fumigation in chicken farming by Sunny Poultry 
avoid irritation. So wear eye glasses and a pair of gloves before handling formalin.
Don’t fumigate your live chicks.


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