Use of Sand for Chickens Coop Bedding ll Use of sand for broiler poultry litter

Use of sand as litter for Broilers Chickens 

Sand Bedding or litter can be commonly used in chicks, Broiler chickens and other poultry. Sand bedding has their own benefits except rice hull and wood dust. First of all we will see the qualities of ideal chicken bedding or  broilers litter to understand the use of sand as a poultry litter or chicken bedding.

Specifications of an ideal Poultry litter or chicken bedding

1. It should have the quality to absorb the moisture of their dropping /discharge.
2. Ideal litter for poultry should have characteristics of prevent the direct
    moisture from the earth surface. So litter works as a insulator between earth and birds.
3. It should be eco-friendly.
4. Litter should be light weighted.
5. Bedding should be non toxic and

Advantages of using sand as Chicken bedding/Poultry litter.

1. Cost effective :-  Us of  sand as a chickens bedding is very cost effective from the other forms of litter.

2. Super fast clean up:- If you are using sand as poultry litter, then it will give yours chicks a fast litter  cleaning.

3. Suitable in summers :- Temperature wise, sand is a cool  and helpful to  beat the summer heatwaves.

4. Reusable :- Poultry litter layer on sand can be easily collect and be thrown out. The same sand can be used after fumigation if there was no disease in yours last batch.

It cannot be used in winters.


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