How to prepare chicken house before arrival of baby chicks ll how to baby chicken welcomed in chicken house

Preparation of poultry  shed to receive chicks ll Preparation of chicken house before the arrival of baby chicks 

To prepare chicken house or poultry farm for receiving of newly  baby chicks the following arrangement should be fulfil.
1. Clean the chicken house with a good quality of disinfectant.
2. At least 1 day before the arrival of chicks spread the litter material i.e husk or saw dust about 3-4 cm thickness. And the surface with litter should be stable. After it spread old news paper on the litter before receiving baby chicks, newspaper spreading on baby chicks litter is done due to following reason.
                                                    Chicks by sunny poultry
(a) baby chicks are very soft, their feet can suffer due to direct contact with liiter.
(b) bedding with newspapers also provide baby chicks a dry bed.
(c) Whenever baby chicks arrives in our chicken house, they don't know how to eat, so feeding is done on newspaper, it is known as paper feeding in chicks. Newspaper also prevents the chicks to eat litter.
3. Start the Brooder  which may be electric, wood or gas at least 4-5 hours before the arrival of baby chicks in poultry house for maintaining the initial brooding temperature.
                                                   Chicken Chick Baby - Free photo on Pixabay
4. Arrange the Drinkers & Feeder in Poultry Chicken brooding house.
5. Give baby chicks first day electrolyte or probiotic and in feed for more info Baby chicks first day feeding & water management

Video Link for preparation of chicken house before arrival of chicks


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