Heat Stress, Heat Stroke in Chicks, Chickens and other poultry by Sunny Poultry ll Prevention of heat stress in poultry

Heat Stress Management in Poultry 

Heat stress and heat stroke are the problems that are commonly faced by chicks, chicken and other poultry (Layers, broilers, turkey, quail and ducks).  Chickens are heat stressed if there is difficulty to maintaining balance between body heat  production and body heat loss (emitting). Chickens Coop can bear the winter little easily due the thick layers of
How  to control heat stress stroke in poultry and chicken farming
their feather/ wings . But in summer it's very difficult to escape from the raising  temperature and humidity because chickens donot have sweat glands, so they try to cool down their body by drinking more water, panting, sitting on cool or muddy area & spreading the wings. Chicken and other Poultry unable to dissipate sufficient body heat to the environment due to unsuitable conditions. And as a result of it bird loose their control on his body or can Fall
Heat stress management in poultry and chickens
unconscious or spreading legs backward and straighting neck on ground. If we donot give the effected chicks first aid as soon as possible then there can be chance of mortality. It's known as heat stroke in chickens and other poultry.

Prevention from heat stress or heat stroke in chickens and other Poultry

1. Proper ventilation.
2. Use of gunny curtains.
3. Use exhaust fans.
4. Stop feeding in humidity.
5. Give fresh chilled water.
6. Regularly use electrolyte.
7. Use regularly fans or air conditioners.
8. In summer reduse 20% count of birds in the flock as normal (winters)
9. Small tree plantation near the poultry house to escape from sun light.
10. Use regularly fogger.

Treatment of heat stress or heat stroke in chickens and other Poultry

1. Always remain wandering during excessive temperature (11am-7pm) in the poultry house, if you found any bird unactive or having loose control on her body during high temperature  then rapidly wet the effected poultry with chilled water as shown in video Heat Stroke by Sunny Poultry


  1. Stress is a major cause of concern and also a danger to the poultry’s health. It may sound ridiculous to think about a flock of stressed ducks and chicken but it is a reality and the consequences of this can be severe. The extreme cause of poultry stress may end up in serious health issues sometimes even leading to death. But good news is List of Poultry Medicine Companies in India will helps to Save Your Poultry from Stress. Reach out to the best vet companies in India if you wish to purchase high-quality supplements and feed additives for your poultry.


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