Broiler Baby Chicken first day ll How To Raise Baby Chicks llChickens' First Day on the Farm ll Raising day old baby chicks ll temperature and feeding for baby chicks

1st day of Broiler baby chicken :-
When the baby chicks arrives in yours Poultry  shed or chicken house then carry them very carefully. Baby chicks are packed in boxes. When you carry baby chicks out of these boxes, hold them very genially because chicks are very soft. After placing chicks in brooder ( heat source)

Sunny Poultry, Punjab

 keep checking the temperature because in first day baby chicks need 31-32 Celsius temperature. And you have to keep this temperature already in yours chicken coop. Otherwise when they (chicks) reach in yours house, they start feeling cold and strats to climb up on each other, as result of it early morality                          
                                     Baby chickens | These chicks were in the shop waiting to be … | Flickr
in yours shed. So keep the necessary temperature. And after it you need to give them water. You should to need add raw sugar (Jaggery) in water water. For 1000 chicks you can give 100 gram raw sugar in there drinking water (5L). This is also known as flushing. It is given to baby chicks for  instant energy, stimulate stomach for consuming feed and clean the stomach and intestine due to yolk. Some farmer also use electrolyte or sugar for the same purpose. Then after 3-4 hours of drinking water you can give them paper feeeding. At the time of giving them drinking water you should keep in mind yours baby chicks will not wet with water because if they wet, they can feel cold and it also can a cause of early mortailty in yours baby chicks.


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