Broiler Chicken Vaccine and Vaccine precautions ll Vaccination Programs in Poultry -Chicken Vaccination training -Vaccination Schedule For Poultry Birds

Broiler Chicken vaccines are done for prevention of viral infection. There are a lot of diseases which can suffer your chicks, chicken and other Poultry (broilers & Layers) due to viral infections i.e Infectious bursal disease (IBD) Gumboro  & Newcastle Disease (ND) / Ranikhet Disease (RD). Lasota vaccine for ND should be done in 5th & 21th day of broiler poultry. And IBD vaccine should be done in 13th or 14th. The best way for chicken vaccine should be dropping in their's eyes and nose. But when we do chicken farming with huge amount its impossible to do vaccine by eye droping. For this solution we can do these vaccines by adding it in their drinking water. For this purpose we need fresh  water, Ice cubes, and milk.
                        For first  lasota (ND) vaccine you should use 3 litter water, 150ml milk ( milk without cream) and lasota vaccine for 1000 broilers  with ice cubes. And for Gumboro (IBD)  vaccine you can use 8 litter water, 400ml milk for 1000 chicken. We use milk in vaccine only for sanitazier.

Video Link for ND  Vaccine

Video Link for IBD / Gumboro Vaccine

Necessary precaution during chicks, Chickens Coop & other  Poultry vaccine

1. Always do vaccine at morning or evening when the temperature will be low.

2. Donot mix any medicine with vaccine.
3. Donot give them (chicks) any antibiotic before and after 24 hours of vaccine.
4. Donot wash chicks drinker and yours hand with detergent for vaccine.
5. Donot use water sanitizer's water for making vaccine.
6. Use 5% milk and 95% water for preparing vaccine.
7. Always keep vaccine at 2-3 Celsius temperature.
8. Check vaccine expire date before purchasing.


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