Broiler Chicken Gumboro or IBD Disease Syptoms and treatment, poultry Infectious bursal disease diseases

Broiler Chicken  IBD Disease
 Infectious bursal disease (IBD) comes in ours broiler Poultry or chicken coop almost after 20 days. So we have to do their Gumboro (IBD) vaccine in 13th or 14th day. If its virus comes in yours broiler chicken poultry, it will remain 4-5 day, after these days it will start automatically eliminate. 
Infectious bursal disease (IBD) comes in ours broiler Poultry or chicken coop almost after 20 days. So we have to do their Gumbo
Sunny poultry IBD

Syptoms of Infectious bursal disease (IBD) 

1.The effected birds starts to do white dropping. 
Infectious bursal disease (IBD) comes in ours broiler Poultry or chicken coop almost after 20 days. So we have to do their Gumbo

2. Birds looks unactive and starts shivering.

3. At time of  dropping they feel difficulty in  dropping out.

4. They feel itching in dropping part.
5.  In postmasterm bursa of Fabricius becomes red and its man syptom of this illness.

Treatment of Infectious bursal disease (IBD) 

If Infectious bursal disease (IBD)  comes then there is no proper treatment of this disease. So you should do their vaccine time to time. Its the only way to escape from this disease. Even then, you face it use IBD Vaccine as soon as possible to escape the loss.


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