Broiler chicken necessary floor space requirements

Chicken coop necessary  floor space plays very important role in broiler chicken farming. We should have to give poultry birds  floor space in our shed according their age and amount. If we will not give  necessary space to chicken coop  then our baby chicks coop can be unhealthy even grower can also face

some health issues. We are here sharing  our personal space requirements that we provide for our chickens.

1th -    3th day 0.1 square feet (Brooding).
4th -    6th day 0.2
7th -    10day 0.3
11th -  14th day 0.4
15th  - 18th day 0.5
19th  - till to marketing 1.1

If we donot give baby chickes necessary space or we place our baby chicken openly in chicken house then they cannot get necessary temperature (34 degree Celsius).
And moreover if we cannot give grower broiler poultry  (chicken) their necessary floor space then they can wet their litter. And wet litter can be responsible for diseases. So we have to give chicken their necessary floor space area as mentioned  above.


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