
Showing posts from September, 2018

Reasons of unequal (stunted) growth in broiler chicken poultry

In broiler poultry chicken you should note that there will not equal growth in birds. You will see some birds has satisfied growth but some birds's growth of same batch will not satisfied. For illustration if you have 25 day old broiler chicken, you will note some chicken has weight of around 1300 gram, some has 1000 or 1100 gram. But in actual there growth should be equal because they are of same batch chicks. So there are many reason of unequal growth in broiler. Some main reasons are discussed below. Deal with raputated hatcheries If you will buy yours baby chickes from raputated hatcheries their chicks will be healthy and active because they use good quality of eggs in their hatcheries. Healthy eggs will give birh to healthy baby chicks. Except from it if you will buy baby chicks from local hatcheries, there chicks will not be healthy because they use low quality of eggs. And growth of these type of chickes will not be equal. So buy yours baby chicks smartly. Be caref...

Use of Apple cider vinegar for broiler poultry chicken

                       Vinegar Use in Poutry Chicken Farming Vinegar can be used for broiler chicken as a natural/ home remedy. The best vinegar for poultry which you can use is apple cider vinegar (ACV). The ph value of vinegar is around 2.3-3, so its acidic. So use vinegar  Sunny Poultry                                     according to yours ph value of water. Because you can give yours chicken water which should have 6.3-8.3 ph. The following are advantage of using vinegar for broiler poultry. Advantages Antibiotic Vinegar acts as a antibiotic for yours chicken. So it can reduce yours chicken's  bacterial infections. Vitamin & Minerals The necessary vitamins and minerals which chicken should need  Sunny Poultry                         ...

Broiler chicken necessary floor space requirements

Chicken coop necessary  floor space plays very important role in broiler chicken farming. We should have to give poultry birds  floor space in our shed according their age and amount. If we will not give  necessary space to chicken coop  then our baby chicks coop can be unhealthy even grower can also face some health issues. We are here sharing  our personal space requirements that we provide for our chickens. 1th -    3th day 0.1 square feet (Brooding). 4th -    6th day 0.2 7th -    10day 0.3 11th -  14th day 0.4 15th  - 18th day 0.5 19th  - till to marketing 1.1 If we donot give baby chickes necessary space or we place our baby chicken openly in chicken house then they cannot get necessary temperature (34 degree Celsius). And moreover if we cannot give grower broiler poultry  (chicken) their necessary floor space then they can wet their litter. And wet litter can be responsible for diseases. ...

Medicine Schedule for broiler poultry chicken

Chickens Coop/Broiler Poultry Medicine Schedule   Medicines plays very important role in broiler chicken farming. We should have to give medicines and tonics to chicken time to time for preventing them from diseases and Poultry supplement/tonics for weight gain. Chickens supplements  can help yours broiler chicken for better growth. You can follow belowed schedule of medicine if yours chicken is healthy from first day. If there is any disease in yours chicken then you should contact to veterinary and donot need to follow the schedule. 1st day of broilers baby chicks   give  raw sugar (Jaggery)    or electrolyte in chicks water. 2nd again  day raw sugar (Jaggery)  or electrolyte in  water. 3rd day (Antibiotic with multivitamins ). 4th day Nothing (simple water). 5th day Lasota (ND) vaccine. 6th day nothing  (simple water). 7th day G out prevention  (Kidney Supplement / Tonic ) 8th day Gout prevention (Kidney Suppleme...

What is Contract broiler chicken farming ll Why do chicken farmers partner with chicken companies?

Contract Chicken farming/Poultry  Farming or  Why do chicken farmers partner with chicken companies? There are a lot of   broiler chicken companies in every country. They look after the baby chicks and grow them. But chicken companies should have to face the problem of land for construction of chicken houses ( shed ). To solve this problem they are doing contract with Chicken Farming  the farmer whose has their own land. I ntegrator  request  to landlords to construct the broiler houses. And companies donot help financially for construction of houses. After preparation of this broiler house the   integrator  (company)  contract with the (farmer) landlord. Contract may be in years. The Farmers should not have to investmet in chicken farming except the construction of shed. The only responsibility of farmer should be give feed and water to the chickens. The integrator will provide you chicks, feed and medicine. You just...

Ascites (water belly ) in Broiler chicken, And there Prevention and treatment

                Water Belly/Ascites in    Chicken Farming Ascites is also known as water belly in chickens coops. In water belly disease of poultry, we see a yellowish water in the stomach of the broiler chicken. The mortailty with water belly can be 2-3% or more. And the mortaily remains continuesly in the whole batch. So we should  take water belly/ascites seriously in broiler and poultry breed  (chicken ).  There are many causes of water belly in poultry which are given below. Symptoms of water belly  in poultry /chicken coop  1. A yellowish water starts collect in chicken's stomach. 2. Chicken's lungs are founded yellowish in postmasterm. 3. There is liver enlargement in postmasterm. 4. Ascites comes in broiler almost in 3rd week. Causes and prevention of ascites  in poultry /chicken coop  1. High energy level of feed Whenever the level of energy in chicken feed becomes very hi...

How To Eliminate Odour/bad smell From Broiler Poultry Chicken

There are various reasons of bad odour in poultry. But the main reason behind it is chicken's litter. So you should maintain a level of dryness in litter because if broilers litters starts wet, then there are chances of bad smell in yours chicken house and around it. There are various reasons by which chicken litter can be wet. We will see it step by step. 1. Poor ventilation . If yours poultry house has not a proper arrangement of air cross, then it can be a chance of wet litter and odour. So keep yours chickem house well ventilated. 2. Over crowding If your poultry house capacity is 1000 birds. But you are keeping 1500 birds, as a result of it litter can be wet, which can produce bad odour. 3. Drinkers or water pipes leakages When there should be a leakage in yours chicken drinkers or some time leakages in yours water pipe lines, it also a cause of wet litter and wet litter creates bad odour. 4. Dropping When yours birds does not feel better. Then there ...

Estimate cost of broiler chicken

                        Estimate cost of Broiler Chicken The broiler chicken get ready for marketing in 35-40 days. Life cycles of birds looks very small for earning as a source of incoming.  But the cost of broiler chicken depends on various factor. We will   understand it by step by step.                              1. Feed : On chicken feed we spend 65-70% of our money of the total investment of broilers. So you can guess how costly poultry feed. There are three types of feed used for chicken that is prestarter, grower and finisher. The pres starter is highest in cost. 2. Cost of baby chicks :  Cost of baby chicks remain changing like broiler chicken rate. So it is assumed that the cost of baby chicks is 25-30% of total investment. 3. Medicine : The cost of medicine for broiler chicken  is only 2%-5% of tot...

Arrangement of drinkers and feeder for broiler chicken farming

Arrangement of drinkers and feeder for broiler chicken farming Drinkers & feeders count and placement plays very important role in chicken farming and other poultry. If you donot give poultry necessary feeder and drinkers then they can remain thirsty and hungry. And that's way yours birds growth can be stunned. For 50 chicken at least  you need to install 1 feeder and 1 drinker in chicken  coop. If you are  running  1000 chicken poultry  farm you should need 20 drinkers and 20 feeders. So arrange them in rows. 1st row you should install 7 drinker and in 2nd row you can install 7 feeder and in 3rd row 6 drinkers, 4th row 6 feeder, 5th row 7 drinkers and in last 6th row you can install 7 feeders. By this arrangement of feeders and drinkers  yours poultry  chicken will take necessary feed and water, and it will help yours chicken for their better growth. There are two type of chicken drinkers. 1. Mannul 2. Automatical 1. Mannual Chicken Dri...

Broiler Chicken Vaccine and Vaccine precautions ll Vaccination Programs in Poultry -Chicken Vaccination training -Vaccination Schedule For Poultry Birds

Broiler Chicken vaccines are done for prevention of viral infection. There are a lot of diseases which can suffer your chicks, chicken and other Poultry (broilers & Layers) due to viral infections i.e Infectious bursal disease (IBD) Gumboro  & Newcastle Disease (ND) / Ranikhet Disease (RD). Lasota vaccine for ND should be done in 5th & 21th day of broiler poultry. And IBD vaccine should be done in 13th or 14th. The best way for chicken vaccine should be dropping in their's eyes and nose. But when we do chicken farming  with huge amount  its impossible to do vaccine by eye droping. For this solution we can do these vaccines by adding it in their drinking water. For this purpose we need fresh  water, Ice cubes, and milk.                         For first  lasota (ND) vaccine you should use 3 litter water, 150ml milk ( milk without cream) and lasota vaccine for 1000 broilers  with ice...

Broiler Baby Chicken first day ll How To Raise Baby Chicks llChickens' First Day on the Farm ll Raising day old baby chicks ll temperature and feeding for baby chicks

1st day of Broiler baby chicken :- When the baby chicks arrives in yours Poultry  shed or chicken house then carry them very carefully. Baby chicks are packed in boxes. When you carry baby chicks out of these boxes, hold them very genially because chicks are very soft. After placing chicks in brooder ( heat source) Sunny Poultry, Punjab  keep checking the temperature because in first day baby chicks need 31-32 Celsius temperature. And you have to keep this temperature already in yours chicken coop. Otherwise when they (chicks) reach in yours house, they start feeling cold and strats to climb up on each other, as result of it early morality                                                                  in yours shed. So keep the necessary temperature. And after it you need to give them water. You shoul...

Brooding and types of brooder for baby chicks II Importance of brooder in chicks, chicken and other poultry

Brooding Arrangement for Chicken and Other Poultry Brooding .   Brooding is a arrangement of providing the baby chicks suitable temperature in ours chicken coop , Because their is no one (hens) for baby chicken which can provide them their body heat by covering them in wings because when we need a lot of broiler chicks, then we brought  from hatcheries. The reason behind it simple that hen cannot give birth a lot chicks by  incubation. So it become very essential to give them heat or temperature when they reach in our shed from hatcheries. Baby chicks need 34-35 Celsius or 95°F  temperature first few days. And then we have reduce this temperature day by day. So we provide this temperaure by doing some arrangement in our shed this process is called brooding. There are many ways to do brooding in shed.                                             ...

Types of Broiler Poultry (Chickens coop) Feed ll Types of Commercial Chicken or Poultry Feed ll the Complete Guide to Chicken Feed ll Different Types of Chicken Feed ll classification of poultry chicken feed ll chicken feed guide ll chicken feed ingredients

Broiler Poultry  (Chicken) Feed Broiler chicken feed's  main ingredients are maize, soybean, fish, meal, calcium carbonates, Lysine and amino etc. The qualitly of  poultry feed plays very important role in chicken farming. If you will provide the chickens good quality of feed there growth will Sunny Poultry be proper. There is 60-70% of total cost on chicken farming we should have to spent on their feed only. So you can notice how  much important role chicken feed plays  in  poultry. There are mainly three types of broiler chicken feed which we provide ours poultry or chicken. These types are:-   1. Pre Starter   2. Starter or Grower   3. Finisher Pre starter Poultry(Chicken) Feed  .   Pre-Starter feed is provided to baby chicken in first week because first week chicks required high protein. In pre starter feed  the percentages of protein is 23-24 %. Prestarter feed is crushed in small size so that baby chick...

Diarrhoea or loose dropping in chickens coop and other Poultry ll watery chicken poop ll chicken poop white watery treatment ll how to treat diarrhea in chickens ll chicken diarrhea medicine ll chicken diarrhea home remedy ll chicken poop green watery

Diarrhoea or loose dropping in chickens coop and  other Poultry Whenever chickens coop and  other  Poultry (Broilers & Layers) starts to do loose dropping it is also called diarrhoea. In diarrhoea there's dropping can be white, green or bloodly (red). When it come in ours chicken their growth cannot be properly. There are many reasons of  diarrhoea in poultry. Causes  Diarrhoea or loose dropping in chickens coop and  other Poultry 1 Heat stress .  When yours chicken drinks a lot of water in summer. And due to it there can be a chance of loose dropping or diarrhoea. 2. Antibiotic .    When antibiotics are used, it is seen the chicken starts to do loose dropping cause the antibiotic are responsible for probiotic damages. Probiotic keeps birds healthy. They are naturally available in chickens. 3. Cocci .   Coccidiosisis a another cause of loose dropping in poultry. They starts  bloodly  loose dropping. ...