Reasons of unequal (stunted) growth in broiler chicken poultry

In broiler poultry chicken you should note that there will not equal growth in birds. You will see some birds has satisfied growth but some birds's growth of same batch will not satisfied. For illustration if you have 25 day old broiler chicken, you will note some chicken has weight of around 1300 gram, some has 1000 or 1100 gram. But in actual there growth should be equal because they are of same batch chicks. So there are many reason of unequal growth in broiler. Some main reasons are discussed below. Deal with raputated hatcheries If you will buy yours baby chickes from raputated hatcheries their chicks will be healthy and active because they use good quality of eggs in their hatcheries. Healthy eggs will give birh to healthy baby chicks. Except from it if you will buy baby chicks from local hatcheries, there chicks will not be healthy because they use low quality of eggs. And growth of these type of chickes will not be equal. So buy yours baby chicks smartly. Be caref...